- Our Residential Disabled Citizens' Billing Program allows eligible disabled customers more time to pay their energy bills.
- Normally, CPS Energy customers have 16 days to pay their monthly bills. Customers enrolled in this program have 25 days.
How do I qualify?
- The person enrolling in this program must be the person whose name is on the CPS Energy account.
- To apply (and to recertify every year), customers must submit the required supporting documentation.
- Active/retired military customers: A copy of the official document from any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces that verifies their military disability status (the percentage does not matter). This is sometimes called a DD214, a DD-214, or a DD Form 214.
- Non-military customers: A copy of the disability document for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) from the Social Security Administration.
How do I reapply?
Enrollment period is one year and residents must recertify their eligibility every year.
What are the benefits?
- Extended payment period from 16 days to 25 days for monthly energy bills.
- More time and flexibility to pay bills for disabled customers.
- Reduces risk of late fees or service disruption from missed payments.
- Alleviates financial burden for those on fixed or limited incomes.
- Provides accommodation for disabled residential customer.
How do I apply?
Have more questions?
- Bring your supporting documentation to a CPS Energy Customer Service Center to apply in person.
- Call us at 210-353-2222.
- To remain on this program, customers must recertify their eligibility every year.
- This program only applies to the customer’s main residence.
For more information
- Looking for the application? Click here to open it.
- Social Security Website: Supplemental Security Income.